Friday, December 29, 2006

Thanks for starting the NC connection. Now I can stop reading other blogrings where I hardly know anyone. To all you parents, post away. It's nice to see pictures, really. (It will also help me to remember their names and ages.) It's hard to keep up with all the nieces and nephews these days. As for sharing, I hope that people include thoughts, trips, insights, and prayer requests. Over the years, I've come to learn that good friends are hard to come by and I count myself lucky to have friends like you.

As for me... the Maryland winter has been keeping me warm surprisingly, work is keeping me busy, and school is kicking my butt. But all in all, life is good. Happy New Year and I hope that Christmas was a blessing!


sandra said...

hey jen! you're back in school? you need to blog a little more to fill us in!

Eric Lim said...

How's life in Maryland? When will be done with school? You must be a busy woman. What's going on with other things? Give us an update.