Upon the urgings of my former roomate and also new father, Brian, I will try to post my first blog.
First of all, greetings to all, it is amazing to see all those pictures of everybodies kids at various ages.
For those that don't know, Ramee and I had our first child- Kailar Nuri Lee Ahn ( it is prounced like Tyler with a "k", it is "Kai"- meaning "ocean"). He was born two weeks before Joshua- brian and joyce's son. So, our families have been sharing our experiences being new parents.
I am half way through my Cardiology fellowship- and looking to find a private practice nearby. Ramee is doing her first post-doc at Columbia- and hopefully we can finish around the same time- she wants to teach/research, in that order. He are currently living on the Upper West Side, of Manhattan- which is an easy commute for Ramee to Columbia, but a tough commute for me to Long Island- but I guess since she was the one taking the subway pregnant, I really can't complain.
Kailar is doing well, he is finally understanding that we as a family function better if he falls asleep at 8:30pm, and wakes up only once during the night- around 3-4am, and goes back to sleep until 8am. It was tough when he was sick, or when he decided that he needed to be held every 2-3 hours- but alas, hopefully we are in a new chapter. We are very fortunate, with our busy lives, we rely heavily on our our respective families, my mom watches Kailar for two days a week, we have a great nanny for two days, and Ramee's mom for one day. Avoiding Day Care has limited his exposure to colds fortunately, but considering everything he touches goes into his mouth- it won't be long.
We haven't been back to Duke, in over ten years, crazy thought right, Class of '95 sounds so ancient!! We do have pipe-dreams of leaving the bustling city and Ramee working at Duke, and me finding a practice near Durham- that way I can play at Washington Duke Golf course, and work-out on duke's campus- but alas, the thought of leaving NYC, and our families preclude us from going more than 1 hr from the greater Tri-State area. I would love to trade in my cost of living for a big house and space- raising a child in a one bedroom apartment in the city has it's space limitations.
well, this first blog is dedicated to the class of '95- i am sure Brian and I will continue to post cute pixs of our sons- Kailar has his Yankee's gear, but will soon need his Duke gear.
Hope all is well,
Joe, Ramee, and Kailar
Thanks for representing our class, Joe. When are you coming out for a visit? Can't wait for Josh to take Kailar to the hole, just like their dads. :)
dude... you look like the typical korean ah-juh-shee... smile, dude... :)
congrats on the kid, bro'...
if memory serves me correct, both your kids will get spanked my caleb,jake,noah (mine)and ryan(eric's) anyway... YP vs OP...
heh, heh.......
Great to hear you're doing well, Joe. A rare Dukie couple....Kailar must be destined to be a Blue Devil. Even though I agree with Ed, I think we all are OP's now. Don't worry, Joe, I still remember your 79 on the golf course. You'll always have that on us "OP's".
Eric, thanks, I just recently told Ramee about our Ohio/Chicago trip and my "79", although she can't really appreciate what it meant not to choke on the back 9, with the OP watching. Although a golf trip now would be ridiciously funny/depressing.
Brian, sorry to hear about the late night bathing- when i look out my window from my apartment at 3 am (feed/diaper change, etc.) there are a few other lights that are on, and I know that i am not alone-
Ed, i appreciate the ah-juh-shee comment- given our history of the pink ladies titleist.
We will have to do a father/son golf or basketball outing.......
Hey Joe,
Thanks for sharing your photos and glad you, Ramee and Kailar are all doing well. Yeah, I need to make a NY trip once it warms up. I'll let you know when. It's been way too long!
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