We could barely fit everything we needed into our Highlander. I don't know how some of you managed to fly with infants.
We had a great suite at a hotel right on Mission Bay. Having a full kitchen and a separate bedroom was definitely a huge plus. And the fact that Josh is happy in his new booster seat and loves to watch Baby Einstein videos was also key. The hotel provided us with a crib, which Josh didn't seem to mind. He pretty much napped, ate, slept, etc. on his usual schedule. We even managed to time the travel with his naps, and he slept pretty much the whole time in the car.
By the way, I was actually supposed to be attending a medical conference, but I probably ended up attending 25% of it. Sounds like college, huh? :) All in all, it was a great trip, a much-needed break for me and Joyce. I was worried that it would be more draining than refreshing, but it turned out to be just what we needed. I'm still a bit hesitant to fly with Josh at this age, but we're definitely planning more road trips. Anyone want to go to Yosemite this summer?