Greetings from Chapel Hell, home of my favorite tort lawyer's ginormous new 28,000 square foot house. He's a true man of the people.
Anyhoo. Haven't spoken to most of you all for a while now. To confirm, Julie is with fetus. It is a boy. We're due last week of June. Clearly, by the lack of chin, he's my boy.
While we are ecstatic, this will most likely make the other baby already in the house extreeemely upset - coco bean yoo.

On the side, she does her wedding/event photography. She's quite good. I've been tagging along and working as the 2nd shooter/grip boy. Her business website is
Here's us with Coach K after we shot the Duke Children's Classic. Look at how cozy Julie is with him. It's like I'm not even there.

It's getting late, so I'll stop here. Much to discuss regarding dear old Duke, the lacrosse case, and how we seem to be infested with knee-jerk liberal weasels. My frickin' UWC teacher was one of the Group of 88 signees. Below is how I felt reading about that damn Nifong everyday. I still get my daily fix of righteous indignation at http://durhamwonderland.blogspot.com.
Great pics, Dave, esp. the one with coach K.
I've been thinking about making a trip out there one of these days to show Joyce around. Of course, it'll have to be during b-ball season so we can take in a game or two.
Enjoy these last months of freedom. EVERYTHING changes with the baby.
And thanks for saving the blog, at least for now. I thought I was talking to myself the past 2 wks.
Congrats, Dave! He is clearly your boy - not just with the lack of chin but also the lack of spine - just kidding - his spine looks just fine.
2 words for Julie - "Epi-dural" - key to as pleasant a delivery possible. Don't delay, have anesthesia put the epidural in right away.
By long hours, do you mean that you sometimes get home after lunch time?
Take care, D & Again, congrats to you & Julie!
Dave-that little cartoon was hilarious.. a little grotesque with all the blood flying around and face mutilation... but still funny somehow.
Why don't you every show these emotions to us... at least you verbalize them. Great to hear about the baby! Tell Julie hi and hugs! Jen
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