Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Brian, we all know that the real reason for establishing this blog was so that you can shamelessly show everyone pictures of Josh.

Speaking of shameless kid photos, here's one that we took while in Hershey, PA (hence the chocolate cow). [From left to right: me, Gracie, Jason (4), Caleb (7), Kristi (2)]

As far as life updates, we're hoping to have our adopted child from China soon. We just started our home study and if all goes well, we should have a fourth kid (a girl) sometime hopefully before the end of 2007.

Merry Christmas everyone!


paikdaddy said...

Yeah! Thanks for blogging, Sounil and Gracie. At some point, you'll have to share about how you found your new home. That's such a great story.

Jen Kim said...

I'm praying for your family and the adoption process. Sure God has a plan behind the obstacles and delay. Be of good courage!

sandra said...

what a beautiful family, sounil! and that's awesome about your new daughter. would love to hear more about her when she arrives.

Eric Lim said...

Snails, fill us in more about the adoption. Man, your kids are pretty grown up. You guys with 3 kids are amazing.